Monday, December 26, 2011

Use of different magnets in Magneto therapy

Magnets used in magneto therapy

Magnetic field in human body the basis of the magneto therapy according to which there is a net inward and outward flow of magnetic field in the body and balancing between this to and fro flow of magnetic field leads to a healthy body. Any disordering in magnetic field in any part of the body leads to different types of ailments in order to re-establishing proper flow of magnetic flow in those parts external magnets can be applied depending upon their size, strength and shape. Some of the mostly used magnets are listed below.

Types of magnets in magneto therapy

1) Rolling pin magnets: As the name suggests these are thin at the two edges and round in the midst. These are used in curing serious internal injuries and pain, sciatica, acute cough etc. They are used on the body by rolling them on affected parts.
2) Square shaped magnets: They look like weight and are square shaped. These are generally used on face i.e. pain in eyes and cheeks are cured by putting these magnets on those parts. Pain in fingers is also cured by their application.
3) U-shaped magnets: These, being u-shaped, are used to examine the decease a different parts of the body. Pain in stomach and headache is cured by these magnets.
4) Flat magnets: these sheet like magnet flat in shape and due to it simple shape are used to cure most of the deceases i.e. these are multi-purpose magnets.
5) Rolling pin magnet with hole: when an central hole is bores in rolling pin magnet it yields this type of magnet it is also used in the same way as the rolling in magnets except some deceases.
6) Ring like magnets: These are shapes as ring because of their application as they are worn in gingers of either hand. The ring magnet formed with eight metals is considered to be best magnet and serves the purpose of healing in better way. These are capable of curing pain in wrist and ears. It is also used to give relief in the problems like when urine accumulates in kidneys and does not pass through them properly.
7) stick shaped magnets: The magnets having shape of a stick is also used in magnetotherapy but rarely but these are generally used by the scientists in laboratories for caring out many experiments.
8) Saw magnets: These are also rarely used magnet and generally used for curing the pain in bleeding places in body like joints.
9) Horse shoe magnets: These type of magnets also have very good medical application in curing different deceases but mainly these are used by veterinary doctors for curing animals like cow, buffaloes and cats.
10) Weight shaped magnets: These being in shape of weight are the most prevalent now a days because these are the magnets very easily available in metro cities These are available in different types depending upon their power of magnetism i.e.
a) High power magnet for adults
b) Medium power magnets for boys and girls between 3 and 16 years
c) Low power magnets used for children under 3 years and also used for curing eyes, nose and throat.
11) Neck belt magnets: As the name tells about its application it is worn in neck to cure different deceases of neck like throat cough, tonsillitis and bronchitis. Also by wearing it in neck for 15 to 30 minutes it is capable of curing spondylitis.
12) Head belt magnets: These are tied around the forehead and when used twice a day for 15 minutes it relieves headache, intolerable pain in forehead, mental weakness an s other deceases of head.
13) Eye magnets: These are very light weight magnets with low magnetic power which ensures no over-magnetisation to eyes which may even damage them in spite of curing them. These are to be used for 15 minutes regularly for proper healing of eye decease.
14) Knee belt magnets: It is lied on the knees to give relief to the knee problems like inflammation and its dislocation. For proper curing the decease it should be used half an hour in morning and for an hour in evening.
15) Magnetic belt for back and stomach: These are comparatively larger in size and having large magnetic power used for curing decease of back and stomach like: backache, slip disc, dislocation, hernia, pain in stomach, kidney inflammation and other urinary disordering.
16) Necklace magnets: It contains ceramic or silver made magnetic beads in from of an necklace to be worn in neck. It relieves many deceases like cold, cough, asthma, chest decease etc. These are very helpful in curing various deceases but it is a bit costlier.
17) Blood pressure magnetic belt : This is worn in wrist in order to control the blood pressure problems. These are made of high power magnetic pieces embedded in the watch like structure. One precaution should be done before using them that person suffering from high blood pressure should wear that belt in right hand which is generally marked with R and this R sign should touch the pulse of wrist similarly person suffering from low blood pressure should wear it in left hand wrist which is marked with a L sign and this sign should be touching the pulse.
18) Magnetic chair: Here two magnets are embedded on the back side of it and one magnets in each of its hands such that upper magnet on back side having north pole and lower one having south pole and right hand magnet with north pole while left hand having south pole. A person should sit on this chair for about half an hour on daily basis. It is useful in curing the decease of back and hand.

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