Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Android multiple choice objective questions

Android multiple choice questions
  1. To perform inter-communication between activities or services ______ is required:
    1. Binder
    2. Intent
    3. AIDL
    4. Service
  2. How to set a launcher activity?
    1. using application node in AndroidManifest.
    2. using Layout node in main.xml
    3. using string.xml
    4. None of the above
  3. Which Intent ACTION is required to launch GPS Setting activity?
      3. ACTION_VIEW
  4. If user can interact with the activity, then the activity is in ______ state
    1. Foreground
    2. Background
    3. Suspended
    4. Dead
  5. Which method needs to be called to stop an activity
    1. finish()
    2. end()
    3. destroy()
    4. None of the above
  6. How to enable your application to receive a SMS?
    1. using action android.provider.Telephony.SMS_RECEIVED
    2. using action android.provider.Telephony.RECEIVE_SMS
    3. using BroadcastReceiver component
    4. using 1,2 and 3 all together
  7. How to define standard interface for IPC using services?
    1. Using ARI
    2. Using AIDL
    3. Using UUID
    4. Using INTENT
  8. ______ is the file extension for a Silverlight-based application package.
    1. ipa
    2. apk
    3. xap
    4. apx
  9. ______ includes a list of phone capabilities that the application needs to use, the default main page, the application's icon and background images.
    1. ApplicationManifesh.xml
    2. WMAppManifest.xml
    3. AppManifest.xml
    4. PhoneAppManifest.xml
  10. The tasks which launch a feature and do not return a value are called as:
    1. Launcher
    2. Choosers
    3. Simple Tasks
    4. Complex Tasks
  11. The tasks which launch a feature and do return a value are called as:
    1. Launcher
    2. Choosers
    3. Simple Tasks
    4. Complex Tasks
  12. How to pass integer value to next Activity?
    1. using Intent class method putExtra(String name, int value)
    2. using Intent class method putInt(String name, int value)
    3. using Bundle class method putExtra(String name, int value)
    4. using Bundle class method putIntExtra(String name, int value)
  13. In stopped state an activity can do
    1. Nothing
    2. UI Creation
    3. IPC
    4. Internet Communication
  14. In which year the OHA (Open Handset Alliance) is announced?
    1. 2001
    2. 2002
    3. 2005
    4. 2007
  15. _____ class allows to perform background operations and publish results on UI thread without having to manipulate threads or handlers.
    1. Service
    2. AsyncTask
    3. Thread
    4. None of the above
  16. The ____ method is called when bindService is used to start a service
    1. onBind()
    2. onStartCommand()
    3. onServiceBind()
    4. onServiceStartCommand()
  17. What is the use of ADT plugins
    1. to enable Android application debugging with Eclipse
    2. to enable Android application development with Eclipse
    3. to enable Android application packaging with Eclipse
    4. All of the above
  18. Which amongst these is not a native library?
    1. Dalvik
    2. SGL
    3. OpenGL
    4. SQLite
  19. When Android boot finishes _____ broadcast message is sent by System
  20. _____ compiler compiles .class files into .dex files
    1. dx
    2. javac
    3. dexer
    4. None of the above
  21. _____ process is responsible for starting Android Virtual machine
    1. init
    2. zygote
    3. system service
    4. kernel
  22. What is a Nine Patch PNG?
    1. a image that takes less space
    2. a image that cannot be modified again
    3. a image with stretchable areas
    4. a image with collapsible areas
  23. _____ method is used to launch another activity
    1. startActivity()
    2. launchActivity()
    3. showActivity()
    4. displayActivity()
  24. When startActivityForResult() is used which of the following callback method is called
    1. onActivityResult()
    2. onActivityStartup()
    3. onResult()
    4. onStartup()
  25. The unbound service can be started by
    1. startService()
    2. createService()
    3. showService()
    4. None of the above
  26. _____ class needs to be subclasses to create database in Android
    1. SQLiteOpenHelper
    2. SQLiteHelper
    3. SqliteOpenHelper
    4. Sqlite Helper
  27. To register Broadcast Receiver in AndroidManifest.xml file ____ element is used
    1. receiver
    2. broadcast_receiver
    3. broadcastreceiver
    4. None of the above
  28. ______ Action is required to make an activity as startup activity
    1. android.intent.action.MAIN
    2. android.intent.action.Main
    3. Android.intent.Action.Main
    4. Android.Intent.Action.Main
  29. Which one of the following tag is used to use permission?
    1. <permission..>
    2. <uses-permission..>
    3. <create-permission..>
    4. <use-permission..>
  30. _____ property indicates what proportion of the free space should go with the widget?
    1. android:layout_width
    2. android:layout_height
    3. android:layout_weight
    4. android:gravity
  31. The weight for widget is _____ by default
    1. 0
    2. 1
    3. -1
    4. 0.5
  32. _____ property tells Android to slide the contents of the widget or container in a particular direction
    1. android:gravity
    2. android:layout_gravity
    3. android:alignment
    4. android:layout_alignment
  33. The file system used till Android 2.3 is
    1. YAFFSV2
    2. ext2
    3. NTFS
    4. FAT
  34. _____ gives activity specific preferences
    1. getSharedPreferences()
    2. getPreferences()
    3. getDefaultSharedPreferences()
    4. None of the above
  35. Implicit intent required to pass _____ to its constructor
    1. Class
    2. Name of the class
    3. Action
    4. Path to the class
  36. The max limit of the message sent using C2DM is ___ while that in GCM is
    1. 1kb and 4 kb
    2. 2kb and 8 kb
    3. 4kb and 4kb
    4. 1kb and 10 kb
  37. ____ layer in Android is responsible for memory management
    1. Kernel
    2. Libraries
    3. Application Frameworks
    4. Applications
  38. ____ are ways of organizing multiple widgets into some sort of structure
    1. Containers
    2. Holders
    3. ViewHolders
    4. ViewFlippers
  39. The first emulator starts on ____ port
    1. 5558
    2. 5556
    3. 5552
    4. 5554
  40. ____ handles mounting and formatting the volumes and images
    1. volume
    2. vold
    3. systemmanager
    4. keystore
  41. ____ action is used in intent to launch phone application with number
  42. Accelerometer gives displacement in ____ unit
    1. m/s
    2. m/s2
    3. mm/s
    4. mm/s2
  43. Which of the following class is required to communicate with content provider
    1. ContentResolverManager
    2. ContentProviderResolver
    3. ContentProviderManager
    4. ContentResolver
  44. Which of the following tag is required to register a content provider
    1. <provider>
    2. <contentprovider>
    3. <content_provider>
    4. <content-provider>
  45. Which one of the following utilities is used to sign an Android application
    1. signer
    2. jarsigner
    3. signjar
    4. jarsign
Unverified answers, please use discretion

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